Alexander Limi wrote:

+100. It can't be timed the way it is currently suggested, nothing will be ready by that measure.

Also note that we the framework team probably need 2-4 weeks just to look at the bundles and make some initial assessment. If we're going to be merging them one month after bundle date... :)

I still think an end-of-August bundle date is good. But the longer we discuss this, the more we have to push it back.

I'd say a decent measure is to give people one month from when we start announcing and pushing dates to get bundles in order, and set the right expectations for how complete a bundle must be.

The end goal is actually quite simple - make sure we can get stable code into Plone 3.0. Work backwards from that, and let people plead their case on how much time they have, when, and how much remains, and we can take a decision.

But we need to give them some time, since at least I would be much more motivated to push forward with some code if I knew there was a good chance it'd land in 3.0 (it's been reviewed and accepted in principle) than if it was all just unsure (maybe the framework team don't even want it in 3.0, finished or not?). We can't expect that people will produce stellar code in isolation without our guidance and encouragement. :)


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