I completely missed the PLIP 125 review while scanning through my
mailbox. So once one more that review included:

I have gone over all the current reviews and divided them into three
sections: PLIPs ready for merging, PLIPs which need more work and not
yet reviewed PLIPs. Here we go:

PLIPs ready for merging

  PLIP   8 - Versioning                                                         

   Stable product. There are possible improvements, but the current code
   is well structured and battle tested.

  PLIP 118 - Portlets engine based on PlonePortlets and Viewlets                

    Does deserve a good tutorial.

  PLIP 142 - Componentise the global content menu                               

   Hanno found a few minor issues, which Martin mostly debunked. Remaining
   items are small and can be covered after an alpha released. Most important
   issue is backwards compatibility with older global_contentmenu
   customizations. Since Plone 3.0 is scheduled to get a new UI (of limi has
   this ready on time) this may be a non-issue since all templates may

  PLIP 148 - Move to CMF 2.1                                                    

   Raphael found some remaining TODO-items which Hanno has taken care of by

PLIPs not ready for merging

  PLIP  48 - Use session instead of cookie plugin to store PAS authentication   

   Old-style product, containing a lot of code to support non-PAS sites.
   Needs Cache-Fu updates.

  PLIP 112 - XML Import / Export                                                

    Export is not implemented. Only supports AT-based content, Zope 3 schema
    based content and custom AT fields are not supported. Tests do not run.

  PLIP 127 - Move properties to Edit screen using pre-loaded fieldsets          

   dhtml-schemata branch needs merging into Archetypes. Grouping of
   properties has not been implemented yet. The content tabs need to
   be refactored.

  PLIP 145 - Locking                                                            

    Event naming hs to be synchronized with iterate (PLIP 168). Removing
    a lock on set by iterate on published content should not be easily
    possible. Should switch to using evevnts instead of patching AT.
    Possible needs extra extensionpoints in AT.

  PLIP 149 - Improved Markup SUpport

   allowable_content_types support needs work. Handle non-installed formats

  PLIP 168 - integrate iterate for checkin/checkout/staging                     

   Viewing a locked front page gave an error until the page was checked

  PLIP 172 - Wiki syntax support for all content                                

   Demo content types should be disabled. Needs integration into
   ATContentTypes with an option to switch it on and off.

  PLIP 174 - More configurable and reusable i18n features                       

   TODO-items in the bundle need to be implemented.

  PLIP 179 - Improved commenting infrastructure                                 

   Interfaces need to be updated to be more flexible. Code needs to
   be refactored into a plone.commenting package. Work is well on its way.

PLIPs still under discussion

  PLIP 121 - Asynchronous loading of content views                              

    Implemented in both Bling and Azax/KSS. Needs a decision on the Ajax
    framework to use for Plone 3.0.

  PLIP 122 - Edit-in-place mode for all basic field types                       

    Implemented in both Bling and Azax/KSS. Needs a decision on the Ajax
    framework to use for Plone 3.0.

  PLIP 125 - Ensuring link/reference integrity (removing 404 links)             

   Interdependent deletes (deletes where multiple items which reference
   eachother are deleted at the same time) trigger a confirmation page,
   this should not happen. Needs a way to be disabled.

  PLIP 171 - KSS / Azax to Plone                                                

   KSS/Azax are well designed and have very active developers. It is designed
   with developers in mind instead of copying patterns used by other frameworks.
   A sprint including non-azax developer has already happened, showing there is
   a very active group of people supporting this framework. Considering Bling
   has not seen much activity lately and its bundle does not work this looks
   like the best choice.


PLIPs not yet reviewed
  PLIP 119 - Contextual help portlet                                            
  PLIP 144 - Generalised Next / Previous navigation                             
  PLIP 157 - Content rules engine                                               
  PLIP 173 - OpenID support                                                     


Wichert Akkerman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>    It is simple to make things.
http://www.wiggy.net/                   It is hard to make things simple.

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