On 12 dec 2007, at 00:03, Encolpe Degoute wrote:

I'd like to see the following for 3.1:

#214: Merge of CMFPlacefulWorkflow into CMFPlone/WorkflowTool

CMFPlacefulWorkflow is now mature enough to be merge into the workflow tool:

   * since two major version there's no critical bug on it
   * GenericSetup support is implemented in the trunk
   * let him outside the workflow tool would leave 2 more monkey
patches in Plone bundle
   * all page templates can be merged into a plone_workflow skin with
the #210

Ok, how shall I say this? ;-)
First of all, I truely like the idea of placeful workflows. The idea is good and I had a need for that in several occasions in the past. However, back in the days when it was introduced in plone I experimented with it and to be honest, the UI was a horrible mess. I understood the concept but the UI made me scream. And from what I've heard and seen afterwards, it hasn't become any better. That's why we (me,limi and others) decided to not have it installed by default to begin with.

So, before I would say +1 I think that this beast needs a true overhaul for the UI. Workflow as it is is already hard to understand for many (end)users (mostly because it is not really a 'flow' (at least for users) but more a state-engine, but that's another discussion, and because it is being misused as a permissions managing system) and introducing placeful wfs makes it even harder. So, unless we fix this, I give this a -2.

And it is far from trivial to do this right. Configlets need to be aware and redesigned. Containers need to have proper UI where you can assign (overrule) workflow(s!! see the other plip) in that place. And it doesn't end here. What about reassinging wfs? What happens with objects that have states that only exist in that workflow in that context? Are they reset to other states? Do you have to reassign new states as you can right now in the wf-configlet that we designed in Norway two years ago? What happens if you move an object to another folder where there's another workflow active. What happens with the permissions? How does it behave with multiple-workflows (see the other plip discussion)? How does it play with the current wf-confliget? As you can see, a lot of issues need to be addressed properly. And it is really a challenge to do this right. Especially because we introduce multiple-object workflows as well.


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