Sorry for the delay guys. I commented on all the plips.

On 22 dec 2007, at 12:22, Andreas Zeidler wrote:

hi all,

On Dec 22, 2007, at 12:37 AM, Andreas Zeidler wrote:
ps: i still got 4 votes to cast, but have to go offline, since i'm occupying a room in which people want to go to sleep now... sorry about that — i'll post my votes and do the bookkeeping in the morning.

here's a first summary of all votes cast so far by the framework team on selection particular plips for inclusion into plone 3.1:

* submitted plips (see : 26
   * votes expected:  5 x 26 = 130
* submitted votes: 98 of 130 = 75.4% (only counting votes cast on the plip pages)

as it looks danny has only casted a few votes through the mailing list, but not updated the corresponding plip pages yet. also, they're far from complete, afaik. so danny, could you please asap either go through the list of plips and add your votes or alternatively post a list of all your votes here?

not counting danny's votes we're at 94.2% with 6 missing votes. for your convenience, these are:

   * Tom on #187, #195, #218, #219, #221
   * Rapahel on #187

please also try to cast those asap. that said, how long do we want to wait for those missing votes and do we have a plan on how to proceed if they don't arrive? i'd suggest waiting until midnight tonight at most, i.e. one day, and then accept/reject plips by majority vote. thoughts?

for the time being i think it should be pretty safe for plip authors to judge if their plips will be accepted for 3.1 from the current standings — at least for the big majority of plips. these are:

   #184:  +4 (4 votes)
   #187:  +0 (2 votes)
   #195:  +3 (3 votes)
   #196:  +4 (4 votes)
   #199:  -4 (4 votes)
   #200:  +4 (4 votes)
   #201:  +3 (4 votes incl 1 abstained)
   #202:  +4 (4 votes)
   #203:  +4 (4 votes)
   #204:  +4 (4 votes)
   #205:  +4 (4 votes)
   #207:  +4 (4 votes)
   #208:  +4 (4 votes)
   #209:  +4 (4 votes)
   #210:  +4 (4 votes)
   #211:  +4 (4 votes)
   #212:  +3 (4 votes incl 1 abstained)
   #213:  +4 (4 votes)
   #214:  -4 (4 votes)
   #215:  +4 (4 votes)
   #216:  +4 (4 votes)
   #217:  +4 (4 votes)
   #218:  +3 (3 votes)
   #219:  -1 (3 votes)
   #220:  +4 (4 votes)
   #221:  +0 (3 votes)

attached you'll find a compilation of all votes for reference.




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