On Dec 24, 2007 1:15 PM, Ricardo Newbery <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What is the proposed (unconfirmed) fix for the second bullet (the OS
> X resource fork issue)?

Here it is, I would be glad if someone can test and confirm this works:

I've found an article describing a hack using Apache rewrite rules,
but I believe we can get something going in pure Zope if you can give
this a try and it works fine.

The example setup is here, however the guy mentions that using
'forbidden' prevents creation of new files *at all*:


I found mention in other WebDAV server implementations that returning
a 404 might please Finder just fine, though it would be better to use
that Finder configuration as even if the server rejects those files,
Finder still tries to send it, so configuring Finder properly will
make it faster.

So, from that guy's example, it looks like the correct configuration
would be to remove this part:

       # Deny OSX dot files
       RewriteEngine On
       RewriteCond %{REQUEST_METHOD} ^PUT$
       RewriteRule .DS_Store - [F]
       RewriteRule .Trashes - [F]
       RewriteRule .TemporaryItems - [F]
       RewriteRule ._.* - [F]

And instead list those filenames in the RedirectMatch directive below:

       # Fix broken Windows XP
       RedirectMatch 404 ^/(MSOffice/|_vti_bin/|_vti_inf.html$)

So the final configuration would look somewhat like:

       RedirectMatch 404

If you can give that a try, and it works for you, then we can look at
implementing this in Zope, with a configuration directive to
selectively disabling it in zope.conf.

Sidnei da Silva
Enfold Systems                http://enfoldsystems.com
Fax +1 832 201 8856     Office +1 713 942 2377 Ext 214

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