On 18.02.2008, at 00:20, Steve McMahon wrote:


The obvious just occurred to me: I'll be you're trying this from an
SVN checkout.

obvious to you (well, and everybody else, so it seems...)

you see, that tidbit isn't mentioned in the README that's part of the svn nor at the actual plip[1], although the latter does refer to a tarball in the deliverables section and once more in the progress log.

i guess it's simply due to the fact that prior to this plip review i have never used any of the unified installers and hence probably just missed that it's all about the tarball.

The svn does not include all the many megabytes of
third-party tarballs required to run the installer. (Wiggy has very
reasonably requested that they be kept out of svn.)

So, to test the new UN+BO, you'll need to download it from Launchpad:


i downloaded this and everything worked fine from then on. i created a zeo setup with its own python and libjpeg(!). this is great stuff. i shall be using this for my own client work from now on, as the buildouts i have so far used were very nice for the client but still needed to be accompanied by a lengthy README as how to install the dependencies.

beyond this particular installation i haven't done any further testing, but as mentioned, others have done that already, so all i can say is: +1 ;-)

(BTW, I expect to be doing a version for Plone 3.0.6 early next week.
It will include the fix for the relative path issue discovered by


On 2/17/08, Steve McMahon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi Tom,

I'm at a loss as to what's not working here. That message should only
show up if the helper_scripts or packages directories aren't present
or aren't searchable. I wonder if we've got an odd variety of sh or
some extra ACL permissions at work. What's your platform?

By the way, the same component execution code is in the existing
(non-buildout) installer. So there's a good chance that it also
wouldn't work for you.


On 2/17/08, Tom Lazar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
hi graham, thanks for the hint, however, i had tried that already
myself and it didn't work, either.

sudo sh ./install.sh --target=/opt/zope/instances/209 -- user=tomster --
instance=plip209 zeo
ZEO Cluster Install selected

This install script must be run within the installer's top directory.
That directory should contain packages and helper_scripts

so, for me the plip is not functional and i can't give it a +1 in this
state. i'm sure it's just something trivial, but the point is that
it's supposed to be *easy* for the end user lateron, and they will
likely stumble over the same issues.


On Feb 16, 2008, at 3:54 PM, Graham Perrin wrote:

On 16 Feb 2008, at 11:55, Tom Lazar wrote:

sudo sh install.sh --target=/opt/zope/instances/209 --user=tomster
--instance=plip209 zeo

Where you have

sudo sh install.sh

should that be,

sudo sh ./install.sh

This install script must be run within the installer's top directory.

I received that message once, when I tried specifying the path
from my working directory
to install.sh




Steve McMahon
Reid-McMahon, LLC



Steve McMahon
Reid-McMahon, LLC

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