There was already quite a lot of work done in this precise direction during the Plone Conference 2007 Theme sprint.

accessibility and more stuff where considered, also. I don't particulary like the final (uncomplete) design of Capri Theme which is, obviously, at least two years old now, but there are work, experience and ideas there.

I'd be glad to help for this new theme; I asked to the developers list already, a few months ago, but did not get any feedback.


Il giorno 09/mag/09, alle ore 11:50, Alexander Limi ha scritto:

On Tue, 05 May 2009 15:56:36 -0700, Ricardo Alves <> wrote:

Steve McMahon wrote:
My only concern about calling Hanno's incremental change list 4.0 is
that we don't suffer from big-number expectation syndrome.

This is the biggest risk I guess, a major release with just a minor set of visible (UI) improvements, will bring bad publicity.

I agree — this is the biggest risk in terms of calling it 4.0 instead of 3.5. The consensus to call the 2009 release 4.0 makes sense to me — so +1 on that decision.

One way to mitigate this — and make Plone seem a bit more modern along the way — could be to apply the new typography/theme that I'm currently applying to trunk. This is essentially the typography from the redesign along with a color-neutral design for the navigation and other UI elements. The goal is to make something that you can put the company logo on, and it looks relatively decent, no matter what your company colors are.

This would make 4.0 seem "fresh" out of the box, make it look like an application from 2009, and let us ship with considerably more efficient/smaller CSS files.

The risk would be that we need to do some IE6 testing on it, but that might not be a bad thing, since we know much more about IE6 workarounds at this point than we did when the original CSS was written.

Alexander Limi ·

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