I need to do some backtracking on my previous release plans...

First and foremost, I've completely overestimated the time I'd have available 
this week. Preparing for next week's symposium has eaten all of my available 
time and I'll be unable to cut a b4 beforehand. I absolutely hate being the 
point of failure here, but we can make this work...

I'm now realizing I've put the cart before the horse on scheduling the first 
RC. As Hanno points out, we have a number of yet-to-be-completed migration 
issues that need to see the light of day in at least one release prior to an 
RC. There are plenty of other bugs of all sizes to take care of as well. 

The main issues I'd like to see fixed and released before we move to RC are:

#10124 - should remove Large Plone Folder type and expose the folder ordering 
setting in the schema
#10360 - Incomplete migration: site_properties and portal_controlpanel
#10363 - Can not edit personal information when one is loged in with email 
#10365 / #10366 - @@blob-file-migration fails on migrated site
#10549 - Uncaught NotFound exception in plone.app.linkintegrity when page 
contains some @@{view} links

We also have scads of finishing touches to make to templates/CSS, including 7 
open tickets regarding Alex's introduction of CSS sprites. There are another 23 
open tickets relating to TinyMCE. I also need to consult with Sidnei regarding 
some concerns over the Windows installer.

As always, there is a full list available to those wishing to try their hand at 
the rest. http://tr.im/plone4tix

So let's move the b4 release to June 2, which should give us time to get the 
majority of these wrapped up (and provide me with the time to actually cut the 
release). At that point, I'll take another look at what's remaining and decide 
whether a June 16 release should be dubbed b5 or rc1.  

With Jessica's blessing, I'm proclaiming the upcoming May 28th TuneUp an 
official Plone 4 bug day. I'd appreciate help in spreading the word.

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