On Wed, May 26, 2010 at 12:09 PM, Hanno Schlichting <ha...@hannosch.eu>wrote:

> Why wouldn't we want to migrate content by default? If we don't do it
> by default, only a few will figure out how to do it and people loose
> the major advantage that blobs give them.
> I haven't been involved in the PLIP discussions around this as much,
> but I thought this was a clear case of something that just wasn't done
> yet. If you have a specialized need, you can opt-out of this upgrade
> step by using the portal_setup upgrades screen and omitting this one
> step. But the default should be to migrate people.

+1. Also, getting this change in as early as possible will give us more time
to figure out whether there are migration issues.

Having some data stored one way, and some data stored another (for the same
type of content) just seems like it'll cause problems later.

Is it a lot of work to enable? I assume the difficult part already exists,
since we can manually trigger the migration?

Alexander Limi ยท http://limi.net
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