On 5/26/10 7:25 PM, Alexander Limi wrote:
> On Wed, May 26, 2010 at 12:09 PM, Hanno Schlichting <ha...@hannosch.eu
> <mailto:ha...@hannosch.eu>> wrote:
>     Why wouldn't we want to migrate content by default? If we don't do it
>     by default, only a few will figure out how to do it and people loose
>     the major advantage that blobs give them.
>     I haven't been involved in the PLIP discussions around this as much,
>     but I thought this was a clear case of something that just wasn't done
>     yet. If you have a specialized need, you can opt-out of this upgrade
>     step by using the portal_setup upgrades screen and omitting this one
>     step. But the default should be to migrate people.
> +1. Also, getting this change in as early as possible will give us
> more time to figure out whether there are migration issues.
> Having some data stored one way, and some data stored another (for the
> same type of content) just seems like it'll cause problems later.
> Is it a lot of work to enable? I assume the difficult part already
> exists, since we can manually trigger the migration?
If I recall, the main risks are that the migration may take a long time,
and that the admin may not have properly configured blob-storage in
their buildout.  The migration itself is pretty well-tested, at least
under Plone 3 -- Groundwire has migrated dozens of sites to use blobs. 
There may be some other concern I am forgetting?

David Glick
Web Developer

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