Well said, Brook. I have had such high expectations of San Francisco 
that it's probably my fault if I'm disappointed. However, I have 
lived in other cities, and it's my experience that both LA and 
Chicago have better art scenes than San Francisco.


At 8/30/2011, you wrote:
>Chris Kennedy's observations pretty much reflect my own experience here.
>There are varying degrees of open-ness to new ideas in San 
>Francisco. ATA and Other Cinema are fantastic and accessible. SF 
>Cinematheque is still going. Smaller venues are popping up or 
>continuing and expanding which is good.
>But San Francisco won't hand you anything. And frankly, there is a 
>ceiling here for any type of creative endeavor. In the end, this is 
>a city of consumers more than a city of producers - but its such a 
>small city that this doesn't always translate to great opportunities 
>for producers of non-mainstream work. The primary audience for 
>moving image art here is other moving image artists. Same with other 
>underground or non-mainstream forms. It also helps to be somewhat 
>extroverted and comfortable being part of a defined "scene" - those 
>of us who stay and don't fit those models do keep working in our 
>hermetic ways, but often focus outside of the city.
>The cost of living is high and it's a real challenge for any artist.
>You can create a scene here. You can have an influence on existing 
>scenes. I hope you do if you come here! But it's neither Portland 
>nor New York, to cite what to me to represent two vital poles of the 
>creative opportunity spectrum in the US.
>  Brook Hinton
>On Tue, Aug 30, 2011 at 5:08 AM, tooth hinckley jr 
><<mailto:blackholecin...@gmail.com>blackholecin...@gmail.com> wrote:
>"There is also a new venue in west Oakland called "Black Hole" which 
>(I believe) promotes itself primarily via Facebook. Best just to go 
>there (Facebook that is, assuming if you are part of the Facebook 
>hive mind) and search for them"
>thanks for the mention, but i use facebook as tool, like any other, 
>however i would hesitate to identify myself or the theatre with any 
>"hive mind mentality" such as that. I always have said if you don't 
>learn how to use a tool you become one. sorry if i seem defensive, 
>these are my ramblings of a recovering "luddite" perhaps, and once 
>again, honestly though, i'm assuming you meant no ill will and thanks
>our primary source of "promoting ourselves" would probably be 
>through extensive word of mouth and flyering. which we did before 
>our "web presence" and will continue to do throughout and in 
>collaboration with various online pathways.
>we are indeed new, and just getting on our feet as a regular public venue.
>we also have a blog for announcements which is
>I am also at work on a regular print publication as an extension of 
>the microcinema as well.
>we have free tuesday screenings and project both digital and 
>celluloid (usually 16mm). we are working on starting to have monthly 
>group showings and are also beginning to host paying gigs for the 
>work of touring films and filmmakers
>if you would like to get in touch or learn more about the place 
>email me at <mailto:blackholecin...@gmail.com>blackholecin...@gmail.com
>or stop by the warehouse (or send a letter!) at 1038 24th street/ 
>Oakland, CA/94607
>FrameWorks mailing list
>Brook Hinton
>Moving Image and Sound Maker
>Associate Professor / Assistant Chair
>Film Program at CCA
>California College of the Arts
>_______________________________________________ FrameWorks mailing 
>list FrameWorks@jonasmekasfilms.com 


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Digital Arts Guild

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