"There is also a new venue in west Oakland called "Black Hole" which (I
believe) promotes itself primarily via Facebook. Best just to go there
(Facebook that is, assuming if you are part of the Facebook hive mind) and
search for them"

thanks for the mention, but i use facebook as tool, like any other, however
i would hesitate to identify myself or the theatre with any "hive mind
mentality" such as that. I always have said if you don't learn how to use a
tool you become one. sorry if i seem defensive, these are my ramblings of a
recovering "luddite" perhaps, and once again, honestly though, i'm assuming
you meant no ill will and thanks

our primary source of "promoting ourselves" would probably be through
extensive word of mouth and flyering. which we did before our "web presence"
and will continue to do throughout and in collaboration with various online
we are indeed new, and just getting on our feet as a regular public venue.
we also have a blog for announcements which is
I am also at work on a regular print publication as an extension of the
microcinema as well.

we have free tuesday screenings and project both digital and celluloid
(usually 16mm). we are working on starting to have monthly group showings
and are also beginning to host paying gigs for the work of touring films and

if you would like to get in touch or learn more about the place email me at
or stop by the warehouse (or send a letter!) at 1038 24th street/ Oakland,
FrameWorks mailing list

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