On Jul 26, 2013, at 10:46 PM, David Baker wrote:

How is it possible
on an "Experimental Film Discussion List"
that so little is said in salute
when someone of this singular magnitude
of achievement passes into the cosmic ether
of eternity?

When I heard of his passing, I wondered how many younger folks had even heard 
of him, much less seen some of his work.

It might be useful to think about the highly uneven reception some artists get 
and the reasons for that.  Perhaps leaving NYC has some effect, since most of 
his later career was in flyover country, Ohio.  Or being a pretty trippy and 
psychedelic type of maker in some of his work.  Perhaps some of it was not 
being written about enough by critics, or curated into shows often enough, or 
touring enough.  But some of it must have also been precisely because of his 
ease in shifting from one medium to another, and thus not fitting into 
"experimental film" in a pure sense because he also was involved in video and 
electronic music and image processing.  It's less the case now, but for a long 
time there was a lot of purism in film circles.

Chuck Kleinhans

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