Chris, I didn't intend a connection between the objection to recognition
for the film and the observation about the presence of women at festivals.

But do you remember Cari Machet?  So often the exchanges on this list raise
interesting questions that are quite incidental to anything anyone might
want to stand by.  I mean, the effect of the list is (this is an idea I
remember Laurie Anderson identifying in an interview years ago, one I
happened to have on an old VHS tape), the effect of writing like this is to
give the impression of being committed to something (compare the experience
we might have live, where it would not have such an effect).  Anyway, Gene
Youngblood gets called out on a remark that invites a feminist protest, and
Cari, who had long been on this list and who means so much to it, seemed to
get caught up in . . in what . . a flaming pattern (but Chris, didn't we
love that, I mean isn't there a need for flaming, even if we really don't
want the time for it?).

So in passing I had to comment on the real dominance of women . .  But I
don't want to commit to more than what I might be held to if I were to say
that in passing over a beer, I don't want to be taken back to it and have
to find a defence for some generalization.  I couldn't defend anything
other than an impression, an impression that was perhaps partly a result of
my selection of programs to attend, partly a result of the names that
surface on the juries or for awards.  I could, of course, look for reasons
to rebut myself.  But if you were there . . if you were at the night of
Jennifer Reeder's film, as I said to Naz ouside (she who won an award at
Chicago), I'm lost.  I'm lost with respect to whether it makes any sense to
be thinking about advocating for anything.  And I am reminded of women
artists who find it annoying that such a thing as gender would be
introduced so easily, perhaps so thoughtlessly, when discussing their work,
for example.  (But then we have the kind of thing that Youngblood raised,
something that is really very strange, and really fires us up, even if he
may be a sweetheart or something, I wouldn't know).

But the remarks on the film, Things, came to me all of a sudden when I
happened to pass the page for Ann Arbor, which I only looked at yesterday
briefly (I had just sent a link of a Raczynska page to a new friend).

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