Looking for information . . . writings . . . practices . . . thoughts . . . 
In film practice, certain artists such as Frampton, Sharits, Conrad, Lawder and 
others (even myself) sometimes built film rhythms based on the 24 fps rate, 
choosing shots or images of specific frame lengths (1, 2, 4, 8, 24, etc) for 
specific effects. The effect in projection was also modulated by the projection 
technology, which would typically project each film frame more that one time, 
with a black interval in between. We had different kinds of flicker effects 
interacting with the psychological/perceptual phenomenon of persistence of 
vision, with the odd result that audiences in a movie theater would be sitting 
in total darkness for a portion of any film screening, watching the images that 
persisted in their brains. 

Now in digital cinema there is a choice of "standard" frame rates, especially 
24 fps and 30 fps, modulated to a more unpredictable effect by use of displays 
and digital projection systems, which have been standardized in commercial 
cinema theaters but not in all systems. So 8 frame sequences in 24 fps digital 
could conceivably have a different flavor than in 30 fps sequences. In digital 
display there is no more effect from closed film projection shutters: digital 
frames are projected in sequence with no significant interval between. (Pace 
the blanking interval.) Hence digital cinema is typically always "on" with no 
intrinsic (even if unperceived) flicker. Further, there are automatic 
background manipulations done by some display technologies that convert between 
24 fps, 30 fps, 60 interlaced fps, etc., without the viewer being aware of this 
or tipped off in any way. 

I'd be very interesting in hearing about anyone who is writing, practicing, or 
thinking about these issues, and any references. 

Many thanks,
Robert Withers


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