On Thu, 26 Jan 2012, Ben Sturmfels <b...@stumbles.id.au> wrote:
> On 14/01/12 02:11, George Patterson wrote:
> > Neither subtle nor overt harassment should not be tolerated. Name
> > calling or stating that someone's argument doesn't matter is wrong,
> > perhaps there is something in the person argument or some side of it
> > that you haven't considered. In the recent past, I have found some
> > people on this list to be obnoxious at worse or blunt at best.
> George and I caught up at linux.conf.au and I gather that the
> obnoxious/blunt discussions he mentioned were actually on another
> group's mailing list.
> It goes without saying Free Software Melbourne expects all members to be
> excellent to each other. If you ever feel uncomfortable about
> participating in this group, please get in touch with myself <ben at
> stumbles.id.au> or Alex Fraser <alex at phatcore.com>. We take
> harassment seriously and promise to handle any concerns promptly and
> discretely.

On most mailing lists related to free software there is a great culture of 
flaming.  It seems to me that this is largely by design, it's widely regarded 
that "free speech" means saying whatever you want on a mailing list and 
therefore the enforcement of social standards is via flaming.  Those ideas 
restrict freedom of speech to those who are comfortable with flaming.

It seems that a policy of active intervention in discussions before they get 
too far out of hand is needed.  Probably a code of conduct too, because almost 
everyone who joins this list will be used to all the other free software 
lists.  The anti-harassment policies that are being adopted by almost all 
conferences nowadays are a good thing and they have been proven to work, maybe 
they can be used as inspiration for a mailing list policy.

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