> Hello,
> I've noticed an interesting - uhh - side effect of the MusicBrainz
> library. At least I think that is what is at fault. As you all know
> meta data for Vorbis files currently is not read. All of my Vorbis
> files should show up under "Uncategorized Tracks". Surprisingly that
> is not the case.
> I've suddenly discovered that I have tracks from albums and artists
> that I have never even heard of before. One easy example is my
> Braveheart soundtrack. I found track 17 "Freedom/The
> Execution/Bannockburn" listed as track 17 from the "Gladiator" sound
> track. When I view the info it points to the correct ogg file on disk
> (for Braveheart), but lists all info for Gladiator. I've found this
> same occurence with many of my other ogg tracks.
> Looking at the files it appears that the "phantom" tracks are all the
> same track number (on the CD) as the real track numbers. Furthermore
> either the titles are the same in both cases or else the fingerprints
> must be pretty darn close.
> As I am not a developer I can only report the symptoms not solutions.
> I find this pretty amusing, however.
> "What Happens When Tech Goes Amuck!"
> Anyway, let me know if you need any help testing a fix to this
> problem.
> later,
> joseph

Hmm, if you could get us a copy of the .ogg files which are misclassified,
we can see if we made our current recognition tolerance too loose. Also, if
you could give us a list of which ones are missclassified, that would be
incredibly useful. You may have have just won the first to find a
missclassify in the signature code award ;)



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