On Wed, 20 Sep 2000, Isaac Richards wrote:

> Something's odd here.. The track's right, obviously, but the album and artist
> are all bunk.  Are you using freeamp CVS?  If not, could you?  I'd like to see
> the GUIDs that are being used for these tracks -- if you go to the 'Edit Info'
> dialog and click on the button to lookup the track on the musicbrainz server
> and email me back the URLs it goes to for a few of these tracks, I'd appreciate
> it.

I'll do it first thing tomorrow morning. Currently my net connection
is rather tied up mailing the affected files.

the "LaterDude" @ ([EMAIL PROTECTED] || ICQ #52640402)

All opinions expressed are my own and not necessarily those of
my employer unless otherwise noted.

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