On Thu, Jan 28, 2016 at 09:28:32AM -0800, NGie Cooper wrote:

> > On Jan 28, 2016, at 08:06, Slawa Olhovchenkov <s...@zxy.spb.ru> wrote:
> ...
> > What about upgrade strongly outdated system?
> > For example 11.0 at time 18.0? I.e. packages for 11.0 don't available,
> > pkg from 11.0 don't undertund package base from 18.0 and etc.
> This is an important question to ask and solve. There might be
> points in time where seamless upgrades are not possible, and instead
> you need to hop from release to release (this is not ideal, but it
> could happen).

I see two side of this problem: support in sofware and support in
infrastructure (ftp.freebsd.org and etc.). Because pkg is not part of
base FreeBSD and live in ports -- this hops need to preserve (and
testing?) packages collections for all past releases and don't move it
to archive. And regular resigning package databases. And I miss

> For instance, at $work we're allowing upgrades from version X to Y,
> and Y to Z, but not direct upgrades from X to Z. Part of the
> rationale behind this change is, deprecation of platforms and the
> change in upgrade framework, which requires upgrading from blessed
> releases proven to work with the new framework.

This is common practic, yes.
This is acceptably if possible got all necessary in time 18.0 for
upgrade from 11.0.

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