It would also be nice to get a statement of what the intended scope of
these patches is from some of the people involved in the project. It's a
major change to the system and it would be nice to have some kind of
architectural document about what is happening. I'm not sure, for
instance, what the release for 11 looks like with these changes, what
changes need to be made to the installer (something of particular
interest to me), how we build install media now that base is no longer
self-contained (due to lack of pkg), what specific problems were
intended to be solved, how package dependencies work, etc. Something
like a few-page white paper would be *really* helpful for those of us
who weren't at the BSDcan where this was discussed. Even a wiki page
would help a lot.

I really like FreeBSD, I am using it for more than 15 years on daily basis. FreeBSD had good and bad times (releases / changes) but one thing stays always the same - still bad communication about new features, work in progress etc. I think it is not too hard to publish papers about new base packages. Proposals, current state, ToDo to better inform users about upcoming changes. I think these informations already exist in some private form between developers. If these informations were more public I think there will be less annoyed posts in mailinglist and more constructive critics / ideas / patches.

I did a guick search and found only one closely related page about packaged base: last edited 2014-03-11

Even this old page has "Known problems" mentioning the situation what we have now in this thread (fed-up people on both sides). So I think this was expected and people involved in this project could have do communication better.

I had some concerns about it and some of them were explained and canceled after reading more than 100 posts in this thread. (some concerns remain). I believe if it was written in FreeBSD Wiki, there were not be so much dissapointed posts.

I don't want to offend anybody on this list or FreeBSD team. I just think that things like this can and should be communicated better next time. Sysadmins and sysdevelopers have different point of view to a lot of things and it is better to talk about it before things are done and cannot be undone.

Miroslav Lachman

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