On Wed, Jun 28, 2000 at 02:45:25PM -0400, Dan Moschuk wrote:
> | > Perhaps it would be a good idea to assign someone the task of just maintaing
> | > the HARDWARE.TXT file, rather than expecting all developers to keep 
> | > documentation up to date?
> | 
> | That is what I am currently doing (at least trying to.. ;-) for
> | FreeBSD/alpha. But considering that the alpha community is considerably
> | smaller this might be a problem in the much bigger x86 world.
> Right, but as someone that reads all the commit messages, catching new
> driver support and updating is more of a mundane task than anything.  If
> maintainers emailed when they added new support (like when an entry in
> UPDATING is needed) it's even easier.

We can always dream, can we? ;-)

I don't read all commit messages, rather procmail sifts:

# want commit messages related to alpha saved
* ^Subject:.*cvs commit.*alpha

the alpha stuff from them. 

Wilko Bulte             http://www.freebsd.org  "Do, or do not. There is no try"
[EMAIL PROTECTED]       http://www.nlfug.nl     Yoda - The Empire Strikes Back

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