"Daniel C. Sobral" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Cyrille Lefevre wrote:
> > 
> > HP-UX :
> > 
> > /sbin/init.d/script start_msg|stop_msg|start|stop (FMPOV, there isn't not
> > enough possible choises, such as status, restart, config, command, etc.)
> > /sbin/rc[S0-5].d/[SK][0-9][0-9][0-9]script linked to /sbin/init.d/script
>   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> This is confusing and difficult ot manage.

I'm just explaining HP-UX and IRIX implementations for someone who don't
know them.

> > /sbin/rc (+ /sbin/rc.util) sources /etc/rc.config then runs /sbin/rc?.d
> > startup files
> > /etc/rc.config.d/services are configuration files (ala bourne shell).
> Non-centralized configuration is frowned upon. Having to find which file
> has something, or having to read through multiple files to understand
> how the system is configured is a disadvantage wrt to the present
> system.

not so difficult if a command do that for you. (show, change, start and stop)

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