Cyrille Lefevre wrote:
> >
> off topic.

Mmmmm... I must have copied the wrong link, then...

> >
> well. what about a mix of the SystemV approach (ala HP-UX) and the IRIX one
> (using something like chconfig).
> HP-UX :
> /sbin/init.d/script start_msg|stop_msg|start|stop (FMPOV, there isn't not
> enough possible choises, such as status, restart, config, command, etc.)
> /sbin/rc[S0-5].d/[SK][0-9][0-9][0-9]script linked to /sbin/init.d/script
This is confusing and difficult ot manage.

> /sbin/rc (+ /sbin/rc.util) sources /etc/rc.config then runs /sbin/rc?.d
> startup files
> /etc/rc.config.d/services are configuration files (ala bourne shell).

Non-centralized configuration is frowned upon. Having to find which file
has something, or having to read through multiple files to understand
how the system is configured is a disadvantage wrt to the present

> /sbin/rc.config sources /etc/rc.config.d configuration files.
> /usr/sbin/ch_rc is not so easy to use to modify /etc/rc.config.d/services.
> IRIX : oops, don't remember how works startup scripts. I just remember me
>        configurations files :
> /sbin/chconfig [on|off] service or something like that.
> (don't remember if it's possible to change options through chconfig,
> but I guess no).
> /etc/config/services enable or disable services.
> /etc/config/services.options just contains arguments to services.
> so, a mix of both w/o the levels stuffs + a /etc/rc.default.d (a synonym
> to /etc/defaults/rc.conf but in separate files between HP-UX and IRIX
> configuration files) would be a begining.

It would be a waste of time. Without the levels, we are gaining nothing,
and we loose in additional useless complexity. Alas, "levels" is a
half-assed solution, because the states in which a system can be in are
in a graph.

The above proposal doesn't have an ink of a chance. Please, read
Eivind's page, and read the numerous previous post on this topic.

> > and my favorite substitute proposal:
> >
> >
> effectively, the last one is interresting. a major problem w/ this one is the
> use of "perl" which is not available a boot time since it is located in /usr.

I'm sure it can be easily done as a C program.

Daniel C. Sobral                        (8-DCS)

                <jkh> _DES: The Book of Bruce has only one sentence in it, and it says
"the actual directives of my cult are left as an exercise for the
reader. Good luck."
                <EE> jkh: does it really include the 'good luck' part?
                <jkh> EE: OK, I made that part up.
                <jkh> EE: I figured it should sound a bit more cheery than how Bruce
initially dictated it to me.

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