Gerhard Sittig writes:
> What's new is:
> - include the general config at the start (and yes, in every
>   single script -- but this should be neglectable in terms of
>   speed penalty and makes them work separately, too -- which is a
>   real big gain!)

This isn't really new; it's been nagging me for a while. Also,
periodic.conf does this now.  I'm not convined it's negligible when
added up over dozens of scripts.  I'm planning on taking some
measurements to see how much this really costs. I believe I have a
solution if it turns out to be non-negligible.

> - maybe include (source) some common code like
>   - determining pids belonging to program names
>   - starting processes in an supervised or backgrounded or any
>     other special way
>   - have some printouts, error level summary, etc
> but I don't see FreeBSD having this level of "rc lib" as NetBSD
> has in rc.subr or even RedHat has in /etc/rc.d/functions(sp?).
> So only the sourced rc.conf (default and customized) remains.

Said solutions works shell functions as well.

> The real new part eating most of the time to implement is the
> shutdown path (which I understand to be somewhat absent in
> FreeBSD right now, "kill -TERM everything" seems to do the job
> right now).

Well, rc.shutdown has the appropriate loop processing in it for doing
this for the rc.d directories already. So the new part is the
per-system shutdown. That's where the shell subroutine library comes
in handy. Provide functions start/stop/reconfig that do the right
thing for the conventional single daemon subsystem like so (vertically
compressed to save space):

        start() {
            eval command="\$${name}_program \$${name}_flags"
            command &
            echo $! > /var/run/${name}.pid
            echo -n " $name"
        stop() {
            kill -TERM /var/run/${name}.pid
            echo -n " $name"
        config() {
            kill -HUP /var/run/${name}.pid
            eval check="\$${name}_enable"
            case "${check}" in
            [Yy][Ee][Ss]) run="yes" ;;
            [Nn][Oo]) run="no" ;;
            case "$1" in
            start) if [ "$run" = "yes" ]; then start(); fi ;;
            stop) if [ "$run" = "yes" ]; then stop(); fi ;;
            config) if [ "$run" = "yes" ]; then config(); fi ;;
            *) echo "Usage: $0 [ start | stop | config ] $1>2 ;;
Then simple daemons turn into:

        # PROVIDES: foobar
        # REQUIRES: ...
        # ...


        . /etc/rc.setup


Breaking out the seperate functions allows you to change just part of
it easily. For example, if the daemon creates a pid, or the flags to
it, you'd do:

        # ...
        . /etc/rc.setup
        start() {
            $foobar_program $foobar_flags &
            echo -n " foobar"

Some things are hairy enough to require doing everything over, and
there is probably a better way to organize the subroutines, but that's
the general idea.

The next step is to get ports authors to start using /etc/rc.setup or
whatever it gets called :-).


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