On Sat, Dec 09, 2000 at 11:10:05AM -0700, Wes Peters wrote:
> > > They're the same thing in different cases, it's hard to see how one can
> > > be superior in any way other than price.
> > 
> > "The most stupid thing was that you couldn't set its network name to
> > anything other than its serial number because on bootup, it copies its
> > serial number over the first five bytes of the network name.  It also
> > can't be fully configured without the Windows software -- which is a
> > bit misleading for me to say because even with the Windows software,
> > you can only set it up to use the modem or provide NAT routing via
> > Ethernet, and not set it up to do bridging."
> The "Windows software" is actually a Java applet that I saw running on
> FreeBSD at BSDCon.  Don't believe everything you read, try to verify it
> first.

I got that quote by asking a friend of mine who owns both products.

> If you're only 10 feet from the base, save several hundred dollars and buy
> a 4 meter patch cable.

Thanks, that hadn't occurred to me.
Christopher Masto         Senior Network Monkey      NetMonger Communications
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