On Mon, Dec 11, 2000 at 12:37:54AM -0500, David Gilbert scribbled:
| For foreign or not-so-foreign packages and software, I've seen
| /usr/local, /local, /usr/contrib, /opt and /usr/pkg.  One site that I
| worked at was even pedantic that /usr/contrib was for externally
| generated software and /usr/local was for software written and/or
| maintained locally.  I've also worked in environments where different
| directory structures implied the level that the IS guys intended to
| support the software.

I know I should not jump into this bikeshed.  But IMHO, whereever
we have our packages install to, we should also place
our ports metadata (/var/db/pkg) and the ports skeleton in the
same place, preferably a mountpoint.  This allow me to switch
between different sets of installation with ease.  (No, please
do not tell me to change PREFIX and mv /usr/local /usr/local.bak)
With this setup, I can rm -rf <whatever place this goes>, and
have a clean system again.  For the ports developers, we can 
switch between configurations without the need for chroots or
jails taking up disk space.

| http://peorth.iteration.net/~keichii | Yes, BSD is a conspiracy. |

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