On Saturday,  4 January 2003 at 17:05:26 -0500, Daniel Goepp wrote:
>> On 04 Jan 2003 19:13:13 +0000, "Stacey Roberts" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
>>> Dude,
>>>    You don't know me, nor have any idea what I'm about.
>> Well, since Vicki gives me head everyday, I'd say I know you quite
>> well.  Not that she's good at it, but hey, what more can you expect
>> for $5?
>>> For your information, even the thread originator has previously
>>> requested that this thread be killed off. This was some 4 days ago.
>> And you keep posting to it, brilliant. Damned negroes, I don't know
>> why I don't just killfile you. Oh wait, I've just done it.
> Regards,
> --
>   Bosko Milekick
> Oh come on, we can behave better than this...In normal conversation,
> there is no reason to use such potentially offensive language, when
> discussing FreeBSD.  Which I might add what this list is supposed to be
> about.  At least, I know that's why I signed up for it.

In case anybody is in doubt, this message and the one ostensibly from
Paul Saab are forgeries.  We're trying to find ways of combatting the
problem, but in the meantime, there's one thing that everybody on the
list can do to help: don't reply to off-topic or offensive mail

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