On Saturday,  4 January 2003 at 13:58:59 -0500, Mike Jeays wrote:
> Brett Glass wrote:
>> At 07:05 AM 1/1/2003, Cliff Sarginson wrote:
>>> Let's stop kicking Richard Stallman.  He has his own agenda.
>> It should remain his own.
>>> But GCC is why you can compile FreeBSD.
>> No, it's not. You can compile FreeBSD because it's written in
>> C. GCC just happens to be the tool that comes in the package (which
>> is a shame, IMHO; it's not a very good compiler).
>>> Any of you ever tried to write a compiler ?
>> Yes -- for a living. But I've moved on to other pursuits, because
>> GCC has sufficiently destroyed the market that it is not possible
>> to make a living writing compilers. Quality doesn't matter; a
>> mediocre GPLed product precludes the release of good commercial
>> ones.
> GCC is a great gift to the world, and has made a huge difference to
> the development of open-source software.  It can't be all that
> mediocre if it has destroyed the market for higher-quality
> compilers!

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