I know I have asked this before, a month or so ago, but I am still rather
stuck with this. So, if anyone has a useful suggestion, I would appreciate
you sharing it with me.

Has anyone ever managed to get the APC Back-UPS 350 CS to shutdown? It runs
on /dev/ttyd0, with the appropriate cable. But it never sees the power go
off-line, and, hence, does not go into shutdown mode. :( When I do an
"apcaccess status", it gives me this:

DATE     : Mon Jan 20 01:02:14 CET 2003
HOSTNAME : asarian-host.net
RELEASE  : 3.8.5
CABLE    : APC Cable 940-0128A
MODEL    : BackUPS
UPSMODE  : Stand Alone
STARTTIME: Sun Jan 19 19:54:05 CET 2003
STATFLAG : 0x008 Status Flag
END APC  : Mon Jan 20 01:02:14 CET 2003

It all seems dandy, but it just will not notice the power-loss. :( Has
anyone ever got this to work on FreeBSD 4.7 (the machine the APC Back-UPS
350 CS runs on)?


- Mark

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