Στις Monday 21 July 2008 15:41:01 ο/η DA Forsyth έγραψε:
> From: Achilleas Mantzios <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Hi, i have had various crashes and segfaults in the last hot days
> > (room temp about 30 deg C). I tried to monitor CPU temp with mbmon,
> > which shows a very big value in COU temperature:
> > I also opened the case in order to get ventilated with fresh air from
> > the room. 
> Actually, that doesn't work, your components will get hotter.  This 
> is because the case provides a through flow environment where air is 
> forced to flow over most of the components most of the time.  By 
> opening the case you remove the force, and now have to rely on 
> convection.
> What you want to do is make sure all the fans are running freely.
> Especially the processor fan.  It may have stopped silently an dthat 
> would definitely cause crashes.
> A fan at the front of the case blowing IN is more effective than one 
> on the back blowing out, so if there isn't one on the front, add one.
> The 80 to 120mm ones can be very quiet and some can control their own 
> speed if your motherboard cannot do it.  If one can blow in the front 
> and directly on the harddrives then that is a bonus, cool harddrives 
> last longer.
> The basic idea of a case is to have air coming in the front and 
> exiting at the rear.  So make sure all your fans are blowing in the 
> right direction.
> My office goes to 38C in summer, and all 5 computers just keep on 
> going, using the principles above.  I fitted a fan to the UPS as well 
> (-:
My box has 3 fans, one on the case blowing from outside=>inside,
one in the power supply and one on the CPU.

In the evening, i will have the case/board inside blown/cleaned with air,
i am gonna close the case, and i am gonna tune BIOS to fail-safe settings.

Apart from that, i would like to have a reliable tool to monitor temperature.
Is there anything in mind?
> --
>        DA Fo rsyth            Network Supervisor
> Principal Technical Officer -- Institute for Water Research
> http://www.ru.ac.za/institutes/iwr/

Achilleas Mantzios
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