On Wed, 2003-10-22 at 09:51, M.D. DeWar wrote:
> I get these all the time.
> I was told that it was possibly in the cable or motherboard controller.
> The point was the drive was like ata  100 and the cable was ata 33 or the mb
> did not support the ata mode of the drive.
> I never confirmed it cuz when I put in a maxtor ata controller I lost all my
> slices and had to go back to the mb controller.
> I think that the person that sent me that was off this list so it might be
> in the archives.
Thanks, I used atacontrol to change the mode in which the drive was
working and the errors went away.  I changed it from UDMA66 to PIO0 and
no more messages.  My motherboard controller will handle the UDMA66 mode
so I do not know what the deal is.  My drives are on a ATA100 cable.  I
will look a little deeper so see what else is causing this.  I would
much rather operate the drive in UDMA66 mode than PIO0.

I will take a look in the archives to see what I can dig up.


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