Graham Bentley wrote:


Install the ports tree, use CVSUP to get the latest version of the ports tree (if you don't know how to do that, go to the FreeBSD website and search the handbook)

Heres my immediate shortlist :-

Setting up DHCP for LAN Clients

cd /usr/ports/net/isc-dhcp3-server && make all install clean
Last time I played with DHCP I didn't had too much success, but I was still a complete *nix newbie back then. Ever since I'm just using the DHCP server of my router.

Synchronising time for LAN Clients

No idea how to do that. Probably setting up an NTP server, and get some Windows software to sync the system time with an NTP server.

Setting up Samba to Share Files on a Wingroup

cd /usr/ports/net/samba && make all install clean

Setting up a print server for Winclients

cd /usr/ports/print/cups && make all install clean
Do note that the configuration of cups can be bit tricky. I never got cups fully up and running.

Using Samba as a Virtual CD-ROM Server

I suppose that is just a matter of configuring Samba.

Web Services (Apache / FTP)

cd /usr/ports/www/apache(2) && make all install clean
If you want to build apache2 then type apache2 instead of apache.
cd /usr/ports/ftp/proftpd

Admin access over ssh

Standard included during a FreeBSD installation. Do note that root doesn't automatically has access to the SSH server.

LAN Mail Hub (Postifx / Fetchmail?)

Sendmail is standard installed during an FreeBSD installation. Though you can always build Postfix or Fetchmail if you prefer.

Checking for security / software updates

Suscribe to the freebsd-announce mailing list

and updatig the system

It is all described in the e-mail from freebsd-annnounce how and when to update your system with the proper patch.

I am sure some of these tasks are fairly easy and very similar
to that in the Linux world although I would welcome any advice / comments.

As long as you're comfortable with the configurations of the services you require, then there is not really a problem. FreeBSD has proven itself to be a robust and stable system in critical production enviroments. It's no wonder why every service from Yahoo runs on FreeBSD (except for, but that's no wonder)

I also wondered if there is a project based on FreeBSD that
achieves similar goals to SME Server (ie all in one LAN server
with Web config) or similar to Trustix (ie minimal config with
series of scripts to configure server services.

Not that I know of. Just build things from the ports tree.

I would also welcome comments on FreeBSD security / frequency of updates
and how to keep the installation updated ?

See my above mentioned note about freebsd-announce

Also, what is the roadmap / lifespan of FreeBSD ?

It's still in active development, and the developers are still steadily coding on FreeBSD. Do keep in mind that FreeBSD is not a company; it's a project where programmers are participating on from all over the world. Which is a good thing of course, since you can get one of the best OSs out there for free :)

Sorry about the length of this post :)

No worries, I hope I gave you the information you were seeking.


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