I'm trying to install FreeBSD for the first time but I am having an error that I can't figure out. I have googled for an answer and read mailing list posts but still can't find what I'm looking for. First, when the disk boots and checks the hardware, it does something strange to my network card that makes my router light turn yellow instead of green indicating 10 Mbps mode instead of 100. Anyway, once I get ready to do the install, it can't contact the ftp site, it just stays forever at connecting but it does change my network card back so the router light is green. If I do a control c to cancel it and restart installation, I can contact the site. However, when it starts to install, it fails saying the filesystem is full. This can't be. It's a 40Gb drive. I started by overwriting my hd using a utility called boot and nuke. Then I allocated the whole thing to freebsd and made that partition bootable. Then in disklabel, I hit "a" to do a default setup. I've tried several different things in disklabel and I wipe my disk clean between each try and nothing seems to work. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

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