Well FreeBSD 5.2.1-RELEASE-p9 is running on my box with Windiws XP in
dual boot. So the installation definitely works.

Ok, that is already a good hint. What boot manager do you use for that dual boot system?

First of all, have u fixed the master
drive at the end of the cable and the slave drive in the middle

I need to check that. I did not know about such a preference, and assumed both connectors are equal.

probability you have already guessed. Yes it may be the BIOS. Its a
good move to search the manufacturer site for updated BIOS and flash
it. However be careful.

Perhaps I better try to get a newer board.. but then I need newer ram, newer proc.. the usual upgrade madness. :)

Thirdly, I would say put the 40G drive as
master as olders drives have buggy controller firmware and they *may*
create troubles in case of newer slaves.

OK, I'll try that.

Fourtly, Jumper the drives
explicitly to be master and slave. Do not rely on the CS.

I hope, I did that. But I check.

Thanks a lot for the hints!
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