Updates: I've set up a guest network on that router, now it connects OK. Could 
the problem be in my configured WPA key containing characters like "@", "$" }} 
~~ and the like? 
Because now I set up a key without those chars, just for experiment's sake, and 
it works. With kindest regards,
Kostya Berger

     On Sunday, 25 January 2015, 20:17, Kostya Berger <berger...@yahoo.co.uk> 

 MyHOME-Net                       e0:3f:49:22:6d:94    6   54M -56:-95  100 EP  
 SSID<MyHOME-Net> RATES<B2,B4,B11,B22,36,48,72,108> DSPARMS<6> ERP<0x0> 
???<2f0100> RSN<v1 mc:AES-CCMP uc:AES-CCMP km:8021X-PSK> XRATES<12,18,24,96> 
HTCAP<cap 0x187c param 0x1b mcsset[0-7] extcap 0x0 txbf 0x0 antenna 0x0> 
HTINFO<ctl 6, 8,15,0,0 basicmcs[]> ???<4a0e14000a002c01c800140005001900> 
???<7f0101> WPS<v:1.0 st:C 
VEN<dd090010180201f00c0000> WME<qosinfo 0x80 BE[aifsn 3 cwmin 4 cwmax 10 txop 
0] BK[aifsn 7 cwmin 4 cwmax 10 txop 0] VO[aifsn 2 cwmin 3 cwmax 4 txop 94] 
VI[aifsn 2 cwmin 2 cwmax 3 txop 47]>
NGTS9                            28:31:52:2c:af:5f   11   54M -81:-95  100 EPS  
SSID<NGTS9> RATES<B2,B4,B11,B22,12,18,24,36> DSPARMS<11> COUNTRY<RU  1-13,20> 
km:8021X-PSK> ERP<0x0> XRATES<48,72,96,108> WME<qosinfo 0x2 BE[aifsn 3 cwmin 4 
cwmax 10 txop 0] BK[aifsn 7 cwmin 4 cwmax 10 txop 0] VO[aifsn 2 cwmin 3 cwmax 4 
txop 94] VI[aifsn 2 cwmin 2 cwmax 3 txop 47]> 
VEN<dd1e00904c334e101bffff000000000000-> HTCAP<cap 0x104e param 0x1b 
mcsset[0-15] extcap 0x0 txbf 0x0 antenna 0x0> 
VEN<dd1a00904c340b0f0a0000000000000000-> HTINFO<ctl 11, f,a,0,0 basicmcs[]> 
???<4a0e14000a002c01c800140005001900> ???<7f0101> ATH<0x7fff> 
DIR-615                          78:54:2e:e1:a7:44    3   54M -80:-95  100 ES   
SSID<DIR-615> RATES<B2,B4,B11,B22,36,48,72,108> DSPARMS<3> ERP<0x0> ???<2f0100> 
XRATES<12,18,24,96> HTCAP<cap 0x19fe param 0x1b mcsset[0-15,32] extcap 0x0 txbf 
0x0 antenna 0x0> HTINFO<ctl 3, d,4,0,0 basicmcs[]> VEN<dd09001018020ff00c0000> 
WME<qosinfo 0x80 BE[aifsn 3 cwmin 4 cwmax 10 txop 0] BK[aifsn 7 cwmin 4 cwmax 
10 txop 0] VO[aifsn 2 cwmin 3 cwmax 4 txop 94] VI[aifsn 2 cwmin 2 cwmax 3 txop 

...and a lot of such stuff, I have many APs present here. Mine is the first 
one. With kindest regards,
Kostya Berger

     On Sunday, 25 January 2015, 20:14, Adrian Chadd <adr...@freebsd.org> wrote:

 On 25 January 2015 at 10:12, Kostya Berger <berger...@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
> Yes, it says WPA2-PERSONAL with AES encryption. And I connect to it using my
> tablet and other devices.

What's the result of "ifconfig -v wlan0 list scan" and in wpa_cli,
"scan_results" ?

There's something about the SSID that has wpa_supplicant think it can't use it.



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