On 22/07/13 10:40, Jeroen van der Ham wrote:
> Hi,
> On 22 Jul 2013, at 10:29, Roger Pau Monné <roger....@citrix.com> wrote:
>> Is your guest running a 32bit or a 64bit kernel?
> $ uname -a
> FreeBSD positron.dckd.nl 10.0-CURRENT FreeBSD 10.0-CURRENT #0 
> r+a09eac7-dirty: Wed Jul 17 17:51:10 CEST 2013     
> root@image01:/usr/obj/usr/home/jeroen/freebsd/sys/XENHVM  amd64
>> Could you also provide the config file used to launch your guest and the
>> Xen and Dom0 kernel versions?
> Guest config:
> kernel = '/usr/lib/xen-4.0/boot/hvmloader'
> device_model = '/usr/lib/xen-4.0/bin/qemu-dm'
> builder = 'hvm'
> shadow_memory = 8

Are you setting the shadow memory size manually because your hardware
lacks HAP support?

> memory = 512
> name = "positron"
> vcpus = 2
> cpus = "2-7"
> maxvcpus = 4
> xen_shell = 'root, jeroen'

This doesn't seem like a standard xl config option.

> vif = [
> 'type=vifname=positron.wan,bridge=br-wan,mac=00:16:3E:2F:AD:99,ip='
> ,
> 'type=vifname=positron.lan,bridge=br-lan,mac=00:16:3E:0D:96:5C,ip='
> ]
> disk = ['phy:/xen/domains/positron/positron-disk1,hda,w']
> xen_platform_pci=1
> boot = 'c'
> sdl=0
> stdvga=0
> serial='pty'
> Xen info:
> host                   : soleus01.soleus.nu
> release                : 2.6.32-5-xen-amd64
> version                : #1 SMP Mon Oct 3 07:53:54 UTC 2011
> machine                : x86_64
> nr_cpus                : 8
> nr_nodes               : 2
> cores_per_socket       : 4
> threads_per_core       : 1
> cpu_mhz                : 2200
> hw_caps                : 
> 178bf3ff:efd3fbff:00000000:00001310:00802001:00000000:000037ff:00000000
> virt_caps              : hvm
> total_memory           : 65534
> free_memory            : 6865
> node_to_cpu            : node0:0-3
>                          node1:4-7
> node_to_memory         : node0:3128
>                          node1:3737
> node_to_dma32_mem      : node0:3128
>                          node1:0
> max_node_id            : 1
> xen_major              : 4
> xen_minor              : 0
> xen_extra              : .1
> xen_caps               : xen-3.0-x86_64 xen-3.0-x86_32p hvm-3.0-x86_32 
> hvm-3.0-x86_32p hvm-3.0-x86_64
> xen_scheduler          : credit
> xen_pagesize           : 4096
> platform_params        : virt_start=0xffff800000000000
> xen_changeset          : unavailable
> xen_commandline        : placeholder dom0_mem=1852M
> cc_compiler            : gcc version 4.4.5 (Debian 4.4.5-10)
> cc_compile_by          : waldi
> cc_compile_domain      : debian.org
> cc_compile_date        : Wed Jan 12 14:04:06 UTC 2011
> xend_config_format     : 4

I've set up a XENHVM system with 256MB of RAM and swap and this is what
I see when doing a make buildkernel:

[root@ ~]# swapinfo
Device          1K-blocks     Used    Avail Capacity
/dev/ada0p3       1048540   351116   697424    33%

I don't see any messages on the console or anything else, the system
seems to be sluggish while doing the build, but that's quite normal when
using only 256MB of RAM.

This test was done using the pvhvm_20 branch, but it should not contain
any significant code changes in comparison with pvhvm_v19 (it's just a
rebase on top of HEAD and a reorder of patches). Could this be because
you are using a 9 userland with a 10 kernel?


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