<URL: http://bugs.freeciv.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=39638 >

On 31/08/2007, Daniel Markstedt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The sentence produced by this string is awful even in its raw English form:
>  * Each worked tile that gives more than 2 All will suffer a -1
> penalty when not celebrating.
> Wouldn't it make more sense to replace 'All' with something like 'of
> any output'?

 ...with some code changes and additional strings. It is currently
used in sentences:

"Each worked tile that gives more than %d <All> will suffer a -1
penalty when not celebrating."
"Each worked tile with at least 1 <All> will yield %d additional <All>
when celebrating."
"Each worked tile with at least 1 <All> will yield %d additional <All>."
"<All> production will suffer massive waste."
"<All> production will suffer some waste."
"<All> production will suffer a small amount of waste."
"<All> waste will increase quickly with distance from capital."
"<All> waste will increase with distance from capital."
"<All> waste will increase slowly with distance from capital."

Following sentences also use 'output', but they should only appear if there
is some real output type (and not with "All"):
"You pay %d times normal <All> upkeep for your units."
"Each of your cities will avoid paying %d <All> towards unit upkeep."

 This help generation function is very broken considering alternative
rulesets (not only that it lacks information, but it also produces
misinformation in some cases)

 - ML

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