<URL: http://bugs.freeciv.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=39971 >

On Dec 17, 2007 2:39 AM, William Allen Simpson
> <URL: http://bugs.freeciv.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=39971 >
> An answer to much of the problem might be to use nation names instead of
> player (ruler) names.  That would lose some flavor, but it's better to use
> something that's uniform.
> That would easily change:
>    "You receive %s's worldmap."
> to
>    "You receive the %s worldmap."
> This would better match elsewhere in the client:

Agreed. This was actually discussed last year or early this year, but
nothing came out of it at the time. Using the nation name would also
have the benefit of making it easier to figure out what player the
message is about. As it stands, unless the leader is famous enough or
unless you're a serious history buff, it can often be hard to
associate leader name and nation.

>      my_snprintf(buf, bufsiz, _("The %s give their worldmap"),
>                 nation_plural_translation(pclause->from->nation));
> But this already seems to be abused.  For example,
>      notify_conn(NULL, NULL, E_NATION_SELECTED,
>                 _("%s is the %s ruler %s."),
>                 pplayer->username,
>                 nation_name_translation(new_nation),
>                 pplayer->name);
> That's not really a noun use, that's an adjective.  We really need to
> ensure and document that the nation name is adjectival, and then ensure
> that all uses are consistent.

I made an extensive overhaul of all nationsets about two years ago and
standardized on singular->adjective and plural->noun. Something could
have been overlooked, though, so feel free to verify.

> We really have singular adjective, and plural noun.  That's not documented.

It is documented in fact, in doc/README.nations under 'Nation naming'.
I guess it would be worth mentioning it in the wiki too, though.


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