<URL: http://bugs.freeciv.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=39971 >

Daniel Markstedt wrote:
> Agreed. This was actually discussed last year or early this year, but
> nothing came out of it at the time. Using the nation name would also
> have the benefit of making it easier to figure out what player the
> message is about. As it stands, unless the leader is famous enough or
> unless you're a serious history buff, it can often be hard to
> associate leader name and nation.
I searched for possessive in the subject lines in RT, and the body of the
past two years of messages, but didn't find anything.  PR#?

This is probably important since leader names are not translated.

Unfortunately, despite my best efforts, player->name is one of the many
remaining things without an access function, so they'll have to be fixed
on an /ad hoc/ basis as they are found....  I'll add new access functions
for them (as found).

This is something I can do for 2.1.2 this week.

> I made an extensive overhaul of all nationsets about two years ago and
> standardized on singular->adjective and plural->noun. Something could
> have been overlooked, though, so feel free to verify.
OK.  Since nation_name_translation() and nation_plural_translation() *are*
only used via access functions (because I made an extensive overhaul 6
months ago), I'll check all uses for grammar.  Sorry, when I was fixing
the many misuses of translation or non-translation, I wasn't also checking
each context for grammar, and was trying very hard not to make changes to
any translation strings (mostly un-marking strings in freelog() calls).

This is something I can do for 2.1.2 this evening, so that translators
can look for any mistakes this week.

> It is documented in fact, in doc/README.nations under 'Nation naming'.
> I guess it would be worth mentioning it in the wiki too, though.
I meant in the code, too....  To be honest, I didn't even think to look in
doc/README.nations or the wiki for code writing, and it's changed since
last time I'd added a nation.  The code actually says single and plural.
I'll change it to specify adjective.

Anyway, good work!

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