Follow-up Comment #10, patch #1446 (project freeciv):

> Can you make in your side a estimation of the size of the packet
> you request?

I did it, results without compression are :

2: Ruleset file techs: 11818 bytes, 11818 in total
2: Ruleset file buildings: 33567 bytes, 45385 in total
2: Ruleset file governments: 2975 bytes, 48360 in total
2: Ruleset file units: 37456 bytes, 85816 in total
2: Ruleset file terrain: 14169 bytes, 99985 in total
2: Ruleset file cities: 2376 bytes, 102361 in total
2: Ruleset file nations: 315898 bytes, 418259 in total
2: Ruleset file effects: 33719 bytes, 451978 in total
2: Ruleset file game: 1475 bytes, 453453 in total

Very big!

With gzip compression (level 6):

2: Ruleset file techs: 2460 bytes, 2460 in total
2: Ruleset file buildings: 6793 bytes, 9253 in total
2: Ruleset file governments: 1160 bytes, 10413 in total
2: Ruleset file units: 8432 bytes, 18845 in total
2: Ruleset file terrain: 2875 bytes, 21720 in total
2: Ruleset file cities: 564 bytes, 22284 in total
2: Ruleset file nations: 109546 bytes, 131830 in total
2: Ruleset file effects: 4306 bytes, 136136 in total
2: Ruleset file game: 683 bytes, 136819 in total

It seems similar to send via binary packets then.

Removing the nation file:
* Without compression: 137555 bytes.
* With compression: 27273 bytes!

However, if I remember correctly the datas in the packets are compressed in
common/packet.c? So it's not sure the compressed statistics are really

(file #9018)

Additional Item Attachment:

File name: RULESET_file_stats.diff        Size:2 KB


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