Follow-up Comment #3, bug #22050 (project freeciv):

On question 3, i would agree that the volume taken up by a transported unit
shouldn't change if it has something else inside it.  This is not true for the
case of something being transported *outside*, but those cases are so few we
can probably ignore them.  Weight is another issue, but we might safely ignore
it.  Also, space taken up by a deployed unit is much more than needed when it
is packed for transport - but the multiplier would presumable vary between
different unit types.

Regarding unit sizes, that level of realism might be more than we need.  We
already have, for example, the "Big Land" category.  Then again, there are
already so many fudge factors in unit composition that the ruleset author
might end up picking random numbers out of the air.  For instance, depending
upon whom you talk to [and what era], an aircraft squadron might be made of 6
- 50 aircraft.  Now which is bigger, six bombers or 50 fighters?

By comparison, Civilization IV only made the distinction that the Caravel
could carry smaller units like Spies but not mainline units.  Otherwise all
units were considered equal.  "Small Land", anyone?

RPGs i've played usually either separately list volume and weight for items or
give a single arbitrary 'size' figure which indicates all of: bulkiness,
volume, & weight.  This is probably what persia had in mind.


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