On 25/05/2015 06:33, Ralf Quint wrote:
>> MEMA: Prints out garbage to screen and quits.
> What is MEMA?

No idea, only Steve knows probably :) I assumed it is some kind of 
replacement for MEM (since MEM is missing on ODIN), but because of its 
crashing, I couldn't check.

>> KEYB: immediately crash with "Runtime error 105 at 0000:252F"
> Do you use any country modifier? If so, it's bug in KEYB opening up the
> language/country file NOT in a read-only mode, showing up due to having
> the floppy disk write protected...

No, no modifiers at all - bare FreeDOS without autoexec nor config.sys 

>> MORE: Exactly same symptoms as SORT.
> ditto.

Why does MORE requires a temp file is beyond me. BUt of course if it 
does, that's life. Will see then to maybe write a replacement that 
wouldn't need to write to disk(ette), if I can't find any free alternatives.

>> DIR: When using DIR/P, DIR seems to think that the screen is 1-row high,
>> and asks for a keypress for every line (the screen is CGA-based, 25 rows).
> That must be some issue with your PC, works fine for me and should not
> be related to 8086 code or not at all...

Not related to 8086, but this might be related to CGA. Are you a proud 
owner of a CGA, too?

I was recently fixing a bug in another software that was exhibiting 
exactly same behavior (1-line virtual screen on CGA). The bug was 
related to the fact that on a CGA the location 0040:0084 does not 
contain the screen's height (no need, since CGA can't be anything else 
than 25 rows anyway). The solution was to test for an EGA, if EGA or 
better found then fetch 0040:0084 for screen's height, otherwise assume 
25 rows.

>> MODE: MODE MONO makes the screen blank. Had to type in blindly "MODE
>> BW80" to recover. Might not be a bug, but would be nice if MODE could
>> check if a given mode is supported, before running it.
> Would have to test but that could be "compatible" behaviour with MS-DOS...

Maybe. I have only MSDOS 3.3, and this one seem to lack "MODE MONO" 
entirely. It does understand MODE BW80, though - so maybe it's not 
'missing' MONO but simply not exposing it when running on MDA/HERC 
incompatible hardware.


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