Accidentally replied off-list instead of to the list. Here's what I meant to send.


-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: Re: [Freedos-devel] Announcement: lDebug release 1
Date: 2021-02-22 12:12:01 +0100 Feb Mon
From: C. Masloch <>
To: Jim Hall <>

On at 2021-02-21 17:41 -0600, Jim Hall wrote:
Yes, the FreeDOS LSM format is basically the Linux LSM file format. (Our standard was forked from the earlier LSM version 3 format, which is why you see "Begin3" in our LSM files.) LSM provided a handy way to capture the metadata about a package, so you know who wrote it originally, who is the current maintainer, and where to find it.

I would use the most recent "Debug" that you based this code on. But since you said "the fork is in some ways far from its FreeDOS Debug 1.13 roots" then you could instead set the "Original-site" field to the same value as "Primary-site". In this case, that's up to you. But to maintain the history, my suggestion would be to set "Original-site" to point to the most recent "Debug" you based this on.

Do you mean this link [1]?

By the way, I just noticed that someone uploaded (presumably) my draft FreeDOS zip package to [2]. I'd rather fix it first with all the sources as discussed. No harm done I guess, though.


[1]: [2]:

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