--- Le mar., 03 oct. 2023 14:30:08 -0400 Michael Brutman via Freedos-devel  
have written ----
 > There is no point in punishing everybody by shipping tools that most people 
 > don't use.  You can probably count all of the active DOS developers on your 
 > fingers and toes.
 > All of the various tools and compilers remain available for download.  Not 
 > being on the CD image is not the barrier it used to be.

The only time I downloaded the Bonus CD, was to figure out if it contained only 
binary packages.
The answer was that there was an about 7 Mb FreeDOS distribution 
(kernel+command) with it, but mostly just binary packages.

I continue to plea for a DJGPP (gcc + i16gcc ) optional CD.
Then the price is a storage price, as it is optional, it would benefit only 
people using this (those) compiler.

Downloading the .zip from DJGPP is relatively hard.

Transfering the result to the VM or real FreeDOS machine is quite hard,
as you cannot put it on a USB key and get it from FreeDOS, the more logical 
approach is to build an ISO CD image from the files.
Which is what the GCC CD would be.

Having two systems, the distribution packages, and the medias, is a bit strange 
to me.
My guess I would think that going everything on the medias, make more sense, 
mostly because that there is a build system automating
the making of the packages (rather than a manual process).

So as I see it... there is a little price for people paying for storage and 
and a big price for mostly me, that pretend he/I would maintain the packages on 
Oh yeah... maybe you are right! ;-)

Part of the reason I am ready to take that price is that I often change my 
active hard disk... and so get to often want a gcc compiler and libraries.
And I know, it is relatively hard to redo the process from DJGPP site.

I admit sites like build-djgpp is usefull... but then there is the problem of 
libraries and tools... and being able to add/remove them as package, is a great 

The more it goes, the more project use gcc and g++... I think I remember Watcom 
C++ did not handle well (if at all) namespaces... so it come necessary to
use gcc. The point of a recent gcc is not to have to think much if a feature is 
supported by the compiler.
Mostly a recent gcc version is very big... but also have all the new features.

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