I think the developer tools should go to the bonus CD. As was
mentioned, most FreeDOS users will probably use it to run legacy apps
and games. People who still have the knowledge to do some
honest-to-god proper DOS programming will probably be quite able to
switch the CD and install the stuff from the Bonus-CD or perhaps even
a dedicated developer CD, which then could include some libraries
(like pdcurses) and - a real must really - a version of Ralph Brown's
Interrupt list.

I would also move VIM to the bonus disk as most 'normal' users won't
have a scooby-doo what to do with it.

VIM, Watcom, GCC IA16 and FPC are large packages and would free up a
lot of space on the Live-CD for other stuff more suitable to the
casual user.

Speaking of installing packages. I'm really reaching the end of my
tether with FDIMPLES. Has that ever been tested on real metal? It runs
fine in VMWare, but lob it on a 33Mhz 386 and you're in for a very
sluggish experience. I've switched to just pumping the packages
manually with unzip.

cheers, Danilo

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