On 10/5/2023 4:44 AM, tom ehlert via Freedos-devel wrote:
Hallo Herr Ralf Quint via Freedos-devel,

am Donnerstag, 5. Oktober 2023 um 02:50 schrieben Sie:

On 10/3/2023 11:30 AM, Michael Brutman via Freedos-devel wrote:
There is no point in punishing everybody by shipping tools that most > people 
don't use.  You can probably count all of the active DOS > developers on your 
fingers and toes.

All of the various tools and compilers remain available for download.  > Not 
being on the CD image is not the barrier it used to be.
But could you consider that there are so few people programming in and for DOS 
simply because there are no simple to use programming environments available 
and instead some folks keep pushing oversized Linux influenced behemoths of  
programming environment which need to be shoehorned to run and produce results 
within the basic limitations of DOS?
i have said it before, but repeat it anyway:
Well, no matter how many time you repeat that, that doesn't make it in MY opinion a valid argument.

I joined some retro computing and BASIC groups and there are LOTS of people  that would just for old times sake like to program in (Free)DOS, in something simple as a BASIC interpreter, like they did 30 years ago. Not everyone wants to run DOS to play games. Or develop multi-megabyte applications. And not everyone is running (Free)DOS in a VM. Beside that leaves you in general also with the problem on how to transfer your programs from your fancy Windows/Linux/macOS box to that VM. That's a problem that that you simply do not have when programming ON DOS.


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