> Bart has added support for that to the CVS/SVN version of
> our kernel. I hope Japheth noticed :-). The changes are:
> On int19 ("prepare for warm boot / warm boot / run boot
> sector" or however you want to call it), FreeDOS now un-
> hooks all hooked BIOS interrupts. And on boot, FreeDOS
> now stores the original vectors of several hooked BIOS
> interrupts at traditional 70:something (or 50:? 60:?)
> place in RAM. The latter is later used for int19 later,
> but can also be used directly. As said, the original BIOS
> interrupt vectors are stored at a "well known / standard"
> place in RAM by the CVS/SVN version of our kernel now :-).


> To those who do not understand a word of the above:
> QEMM386 and newer versions of Japheth.de JEMM386 and
> JEMMX support a "fastboot" option which triggers the
> same style of reboot as FDAPM "hotboot", which only
> loads the operating system again, skipping some boot
> up BIOS activities. This option only works if DOS and
> all drivers allow proper "shutdown" before reboot,
> and Bart added exactly that to the kernel recently.

As far as Jemm is concerned, only the kernel has to restore "its" vectors. 
Vectors changed by drivers/tsrs which are loaded after Jemm can be ignored, 
because Jemm saves the current state of the IVT on init and restores it when 
an int 19h is called.

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