Hi Alexandru,

>   I installed it but only from the base CD. Now it realy offers
> me only some options at startup and then only the command prompt.

This is exactly what DOS always does :-). Of course you can
install programs which automatically start at boot. For that,
add them to your autoexec or fdauto batch file. A typical
example would be NDN / DN or another file manager. From the
old days, you probably still know Norton Commander and XTree
but now there are also several good free alternatives.

> What should I do to install programs and search the Web?

You can surf the web with Arachne (big, graphical) which
also supports email and ftp and, I believe, also IRC chat.
Or you can use Lynx, Links2 and Elinks which are mostly
text oriented. The latter two were mentioned on the list
recently, they are on http://mik.dyndns.org/dos-stuff/
(a page which is not always online). To surf the web,
you also need a packet driver for your network card. The
www.freedos.org/freedos/links/ page has some driver pages.

To install software in general, just take the ZIP from the
fdfullcd or from the www and unzip it in the fdos directory.
You can find more URLs at www.freedos.org/freedos/software/

Sometimes software is not already in nice zips. Then you can
look at http://mateusz.viste.free.fr/fdupdate/ which is a
collection of nicely zipped programs for use in FreeDOS...
If you know a nice tool which is mentioned on freedos.org
but not on fdupdate, you could help by making a nice zip
for Mateusz so he can add it to fdupdate, thanks :-).

> How can I put files into the computer under Freedos from a CD?

Your CD/DVD should have a drive letter already. If not, try
using xcdrom (atapi), gcdrom (sata), uide (atapi/sata udma)
or a similar driver for the drive, and SHSUCDX (similar to
MSCDEX) for the DOS drive letter :-).

> I also can access the Freedos partition from under Linux.

That is an easy method for adding files :-).

>   I found two sites with DOS programs including utilities, but I could't
> download Arachne for DOS under Linux, it automatically downloads Arachne
> for Linux, which I cannot install and use.

Try those pages:

www.cisnet.com/glennmcc/ and www.glennmcc.org/a193gpl/


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