Does anybody have an idea why I might be able to write a new file to a network 
drive (mapped with ms client), but not be able to turn around and read that 
same file?  Code snippet below.

        fname = Str( ii )
        kill fname
        f1 = freefile
        Open fname For binary As #f1
        s_out = ""
        For jj = 1 To filesize
                ' limit it to printable characters
                s_out = s_out + Chr( 32 + Int( Rnd() * 95 ) )
        Next jj
        Put #f1, ,s_out

        Close #f1
        sleep 1000

        f2 = freefile
        rslt1 = Open (fname, For binary, access read, As f2)
        rslt = Get( #f2, , file_char())

        print "result of reopen of '" & fname & "' = " & rslt1
        print "len of file: " & lof( f2 )
        Close #f2
        Print "Rslt of file read = " & rslt

My variable rslt1, which is the result of the open when I'm attempting to read 
the file, is returning 2, which according to the docs means "file not found".  
The drive I'm writing to is a FAT32 network share, on a Windows XP Pro machine. 
 The file is created correctly, and I can look at it in notepad from the host 
machine, and others on the network.  The share permissions are "Everyone -- 
full control".


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