
> standard VGA (640 x 480, 16-colour palette)

Modern graphics cards still support VGA well, but
the 8x14 EGA font is sometimes missing - You can
load a device independant driver to fix this.

> and eliminate WINDOZE from this completely.

You can also dual-boot, without deleting Windows.

> QUESTION:  Is it likely that my existing code will
> simply transfer from running under MSDOS to running
> under FreeDOS, just like that, bing! ?

If you did not use a lot of "undocumented DOS", there
should be no problems with FreeDOS at all. Of course
the optimal config differs from the old days, and you
may want to omit emm386 in the beginning for simplicity.

> By this I mean: given that the suite only handles the
> keyboard and mouse, plus making calls to memory and banging
> pixels up on the screen in VGA or EGA --- no sound, no
> peculiar external device drivers etc --- are all the
> calls now made to DOS for doing this going to be the same
> (when recompiled of course) when made to FreeDOS instead?

Yes, of course. But why would you have to recompile?
See above about EGA and VGA. Keyboard and mouse are,
in general, still the same, but you will have to use
"USB legacy (OS) support" of your BIOS if your mouse
or keyboard are USB instead of PS/2 or classic serial.

You can get boot diskettes with a lot of DOS preinstalled
from Rugxulo: http://rugxulo.googlepages.com/ - those can
also be used to make bootable CD/DVD, e.g. with K3b :-).

You can also use the FreeDOS 1.0 BASE cdrom and install
to harddisk. For installing NEXT to Windows, please do
NOT use DOS FDISK. Instead, use the tools included in
recent Windows or, better, use a Linux boot CD like the
http://www.sysresccd.org/ SystemRescueCd to resize the
Windows partition (without data loss :-)) and make space
for a DOS partition. The DOS partition should be primary.
If Windows is on a FAT partition, you can even let Windows
and FreeDOS share the same drive letter, with a boot menu.

You can update himem / emm386 to himemx / jemm386 by Japheth:
www.japheth.de and you can update CuteMouse from sourceforge:


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